Wix or WooCommerce: Choosing the Right Platform for Your E-commerce Journey

Are you gearing up to launch your own e-commerce site for your budding business? If so, you’re likely in search of the perfect content management system (CMS) to serve as your site’s foundation. When it comes to choosing between Wix or WooCommerce, the decision hinges on factors like ease of use, customization options, and scalability. […]

How To Check If Product Is On Sale By Product ID (WooCommerce)

To check if the product is on sale by using the product id: Get product object using product id => ($product = wc_get_product($id);) Get sale price of product => ($sale_price = $product->get_sale_price();) Lastly, get the price of product => ($price = $product->get_price();) Conclusion: get_price() method return the current active price. So, if the sale is […]

Set Your Business Online

A true business owner and a successful entrepreneur always understand the importance of the availability and the accessibility of their businesses or shops to their customers. A 24X7 open shop equals to 24X7 selling shop, a shop which is never closed, and a shop which sells every time a customer came by. Though, it is […]


As you all know this who have upgraded WordPress CMS to its most recent major release WordPress 5.x, that Gutenberg has replaced the old classic editor. And there is a mixed opinion on it, some are liking it and some actually criticizing it and saying this is the doom of WordPress. A significant number of […]

Human Faces Are Magnets On Website

By adding human faces to your Website, you can direct visitors attention to different areas of your Website using a cutout picture of a model with the gesture of offering something to them [...]