WordPress 5.0 – Are you ready?

WordPress is taking a big leap this time and bringing the most advanced version of it. It will be a new experience for its users and developers because this time WordPress is replacing its traditional classic editor with the more dynamic and handy Gutenberg editor. Some major WordPress 5.0 updates include [...]

How much money it cost for a 5 page website?

Generally, it cost you nothing much $0 to a bit much $1500+, but that totally depends on you, the choices you make to build your website will determine the cost of it. Let's start with the basic necessities of a website. Whatever website you want to build, there are some basic requirements for every website [...]

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a free and open source content management system, CMS in short. You can create dynamic and multi-feature websites with WordPress very easily without even knowing how to code. WordPress powers more than 30% of the WEB, that means, more than 1 out of 4 websites on the Internet are using WordPress as their CMS or you can say […]

WordPress – Create Custom Post Type By Code

To create custom post type in WordPress there are two ways. One way is to do it by plugin and Second is to create custom post type by the code itself. Below is the code to create a custom post type [...]

WordPress – Order posts by custom order

To custom order WordPress posts or custom posts type add following code to your functions.php file in your theme folder: WordPress query to get posts ordered by menu order [...]